一、 岗位需求
研究方向:生物机制启发神经网络算法及AI for Neuroscience(2-4人)
1. 获得或者即将获得博士学位,具有电子信息、人工智能、计算机、生物、自动化、数学等专业背景。
2. 在控制理论、智能学习与优化、神经网络以及机器学习等相关领域,具有一定研究基础。
3. 掌握机器学习、强化学习、最优化、控制理论等理论知识。
4. 熟练使用Python等软件开发工具与语言,熟练使用TensorFlow或PyTorch机器学习库,具备良好的编程技能。
5. 发表过本领域高水平论文2篇以上。
二、 申请条件
1. 获得博士学位不超过3年的全日制博士,应届博士毕业生优先;
2. 具有良好的科研潜质和学术道德,年龄不超过35周岁;
3. 全职从事博士后研究工作。在站时间一般为两年,可提前出站,但进站时间不能少于21个月。
1. 提供有竞争力的薪酬待遇。足额缴纳社会保险、公积金、补充公积金以及职工团体补充医疗保险;
2. 具有完备的博士后资助体系。全力支持博士后申请博士后创新人才计划、中国博士后基金、中科院特别研究助理资助项目、上海市超级博士后激励计划、基金委青年项目等,组织专家团队提供基金申报指导;
3. 畅通博士后职业发展通道。对博士后期间业绩优异者,支持出站后竞聘研究组长(研究员四级),可同时申报中科院引才计划,享受海外留学回国人员同等待遇;
4. 具有浓厚的学术氛围与一流的公共技术支撑平台,提供高效的人才服务保障,包括进站后落户上海,协助子女入园入学、申领人才租房补贴等。期满出站留沪工作,配偶、子女可随迁落户上海。
1. 将申请材料发送至邮箱:zhangtielin@ion.ac.cn,为保证邮件投递成功请抄送至:postdoctor@ion.ac.cn,邮件标题请注明为“应聘张铁林研究组博士后”,与合作导师达成初步招收意向。申请材料包括:个人简历、证明材料(学历学位证书,参与/承担课题情况、发表论文等科研成果,获奖证明等)。
2. 提交申请材料。合作导师和人事部门组织博士后进站面试评审,通过后提交进站申请材料,办理进站手续。
Job requirements (Postdoc)
Research direction: Biological mechanism inspired neural network algorithms & AI for Neuroscience
1. Obtaining or about to obtain a doctoral degree, with professional backgrounds in electronic information, artificial intelligence, computer science, biology, automation, mathematics, etc.
2. Has a certain research foundation in the fields of control theory, intelligent learning and optimization, neural networks, and machine learning.
3. Know well in theoretical knowledge such as machine learning, reinforcement learning, optimization, and control theory.
4. Proficient in using software development tools and languages such as Python, proficient in using TensorFlow or PyTorch machine learning libraries, and possessing good programming skills.
5. Published at least 2 high-level papers in this field.
Application conditions
1. Full time doctoral students who have obtained a doctoral degree for no more than 3 years, with priority given to fresh doctoral graduates;
2. Possess good research potential and academic ethics, and the age should not exceed 35 years old;
3. Full time postdoctoral research work. The station stay time is generally two years, and it is possible to leave the station early, but the entry time cannot be less than 21 months.
Benefits and policy support
1. Provide competitive compensation and benefits. Fully pay social insurance, provident fund, supplementary provident fund, and supplementary medical insurance;
2. A perfect postdoctoral funding system. Fully support postdoctoral applications for the Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Program, the China Postdoctoral Fund, the Special Research Assistant Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Incentive Program, and the Youth Program of the National Natural Science Foundation, and organize expert teams to provide guidance on fund application;
3. Smooth channels for postdoctoral career development. For those with outstanding performance during the postdoctoral period, we support the competition for research team leaders after leaving the station. They can also apply for the Chinese Academy of Sciences Talent Introduction Program and enjoy the same treatment as overseas students returning to China;
4. With a strong academic atmosphere and first-class public technology support platform, we provide efficient talent service guarantees, including settling in Shanghai after entering the station, assisting children in entering the school, and applying for talent rental subsidies. At the end of the term, if leaving the station to work in Shanghai, spouses and children can settle in Shanghai with the relocation.
Application Procedure
1. Send the application materials to the email: zhangtielin@ion.ac.cn To ensure successful email delivery, please cc: postdoctor@ion.ac.cn Please indicate the email title as "Application for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Zhang Tielin's Research Group" and reach a preliminary recruitment intention with the collaborating supervisor. The application materials include: personal resume, proof materials (academic degree certificate, participation/undertaking of research projects, published papers and other scientific research achievements, award certificate, etc.).
2. Submit application materials. Collaborating mentors and the human resources department organize postdoctoral entrance interviews and evaluations, and submit application materials for admission after approval, and complete the admission procedures.