IBRO-ICPBR Virtual Primate Neurobiology School,November 2-11, 2022

IBRO-ICPBR Virtual Primate Neurobiology School,November 2-11, 2022

International Center for Primate Brain Research (ICPBR) 

Institute of Neuroscience, Center for Excellence in Brain Science 

and Intelligence Technology (CEBSIT)

500 Qiangye Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201602, China

Course Policies

IBRO-ICPBR invites participation in our courses from all eligible applicants irrespective of gender, race/ethnicity, disability status, religion, or nationality. By attending any part of an IBRO-ICPBR course, participants agree to abide by the policies described below during their time in Shanghai, as well as all applicable laws of China. CEBSIT (Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) is the holding institute for the current IBRO-ICPBR course, hence is included in the following policies.

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The IBRO-ICPBR Meetings & Courses Program is committed to protecting all personal data submitted to us by course participants, in compliance with China and international laws.

The types of personal information we collect depend on your intended activity at IBRO-ICPBR. At minimum, we collect your name, primary address, phone number, email address, and professional details such as career stage, laboratory head, etc. We also ask that you specify gender and any dietary requests on application forms, as IBRO-ICPBR arranges housing and food accommodations for nearly all of its course participants. Course applicants are additionally asked to submit a combination of personal statements, resumes/CVs, financial aid requests, and letters of reference.

The IBRO-ICPBR Meetings & Courses Program is the sole repository of all information collected through our website. We do not sell, rent or share personal information with other organizations. Anonymized data aggregated from course registration and application forms are used in grant applications and grant reports. The Meetings & Courses Program utilizes personal information provided by you to organize and manage the event(s) you attend. We may also contact you years after taking a course for the purpose of evaluating the course’s long-term impact, and/or to announce events, networks, and online groups for alumni of that course.

IIf you think we are not abiding by this Data Privacy policy, please contact us via email (guyixi@ion.ac.cn)

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IBRO-ICPBR Meetings & Courses Program is strongly committed to diversity in the recruitment, selection, and invitation of participants for all our meetings and courses. Due consideration is given by all conference organizers and course faculty to the inclusion of qualified individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences, including women, scientists from developing countries, and scientists from racial and ethnic populations underrepresented in the sciences.

Women in Science
Many reports have shown that the representation of women in scientific disciplines decreases in advanced academic ranks, with the highest representation of women at the postdoctoral level and the lowest at the full-professor level. Therefore, IBRO-ICPBR Meetings & Courses' Diversity Policy aims to increase the percentage of female scientists who play leadership roles as organizers, instructors, and invited speakers in all our conferences, courses, and workshops, irrespective of field. Wherever possible, organizers and instructors are encouraged to strive for parity in terms of invitations to session chairs, discussion leaders, and invited speakers.

Scientists from Developing Countries
IBRO-ICPBR Courses Program encourages attendance and active participation by scientists from the developing world

Financial coverage
The current IBRO-ICPBR Course provides the financial coverage for domestic and international flight, local transportation, housing, and food for the current meeting. IBRO-ICPBR maintains the rights for explanation and interpretation for financial issue.

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IBRO, ICPBR, and CEBSIT are dedicated to provide an environment for rigorous scientific pursuit, fruitful interactions, and a high-quality training program for trainees. Consistent with the missions, commitments and policies, the purpose of this Code is to set forth the expectations of IBRO, ICPBR, and CEBSIT for the professional conduct of participants enrolled in the course, including instructors, lecturers, assistants, trainees, vendors and aides. This Code is intended to be consistent with the policies the institute has in place governing conduct by its own faculty, trainees, students and employees.

By attending any part of an IBRO-ICPBR course, participants agree to:
1. Treat fellow participants and IBRO-ICPBR and CEBSIT staff with respect, civility and fairness, and without bias based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, or any other criteria prohibited under applicable China or local law.
2. Use all IBRO-ICPBR and CEBSIT facilities, equipment, computers, supplies and resources responsibly and appropriately, as you would at your home institution.

Similarly, course participants agree to refrain from:
1. Discrimination in violation of institute policy based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
2. Behavior that is disrespectful of others, and unprofessional interpersonal behavior that interferes with the working and learning environment.
3. Unwanted physical contact with others, or threats of such contact.
4. Sexual harassment or harassment based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
5. Loss of civility that interferes with the working and learning environment (for example shouting, personal attacks or insults, throwing objects or other displays of temper).
6. Misappropriation of institute property or excessive personal use of resources.

Breaches or Violations of the Code of Conduct
Course leaders (instructors) are responsible for maintaining a learning environment in accordance with the principles and expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct. Course leaders (instructors), either jointly or individually, are the primary individuals to resolve breaches of the Code of Conduct that may arise during their course, and should aim to resolve conflicts and counsel course participants in a non-threatening, constructive and private manner as appropriate.

In cases where the course leaders fail to or are unable to resolve conflicts or breaches of the Code of Conduct, or are themselves considered to be in breach or violation, said conduct should be reported to program leadership in person or by email: Yixi Gu,guyixi@ion.ac.cn

The IBRO-ICPBR Course leader and CEBSIT Institute will take action as needed to resolve the matter, up to and including immediate expulsion of the offending participant(s) from the course, dismissal from the institute, and exclusion from future academic events offered by IBRO-ICPBR.

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By participating in an IBRO-ICPBR course, you grant CEBSIT /IBRO-ICPBR and its photographer(s) the freedom to photograph you while on IBRO-ICPBR and CEBSIT property during the course, and to use those photos in CEBSIT / IBRO-ICPBR publications, websites, social media accounts, and/or other materials.

Personal use of IBRO-ICPBR and CEBSIT photographs, obtained through official CEBSIT galleries or social media accounts, is allowed with proper attribution. Commercial use or repurposing of CEBSIT / IBRO-ICPBR photographs and media is not allowed without permission; inquire via email(guyixi@ion.ac.cn).

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Copyright © School on Primate Neurobiology