1月10日Journal_Club--decision making

  1月10日Journal_Club--decision making 

  1月10日(周四)晚18:30,张鸣沙组的周阳师兄将给我们讲一期decision making,欢迎感兴趣的同学们前来共同探讨。

  Decision making is a cognitive process of choosing an opinion or an action among two or more alternatives. Because of its importance in our everyday life,
  it has recently emerged as one of the central themes in the studies of cognition. Despite the diversity of applications, most decisions share common elements
  including deliberation and commitment. In this topic, I’d like to evaluate recent progress in understanding how these basic elements of decision formation are
  implemented in the brain. Firstly, I will introduce the basic elements of decision making; then I will have a brief summary on the experimental studies; lastly,
  I will talk about several simple modeling studies. 

  主讲人: 周阳

  主题: decision making